Comprehensive SNIA Swordfish® Overview


SNIA Swordfish® provides a comprehensive standards-based interface to manage scalable storage. This presentation provides a broad look at the Swordfish ReSTful hierarchies, maps these to some common applications, and provides an overview of the Swordfish tools and documentation ecosystem developed by SNIA’s Scalable Storage Management Technical Work Group (SSM TWG). It will also provide an overview added in the 1.2.5a release, including enhancements to metrics for volumes, drives, and storage controllers, as well as support for NVMe SMART Metrics, enhanced NVMe-oF discovery controller capabilities managing NVMe-oF centralized discovery controllers. The presentation will also provide pointers to get started working with Swordfish, as well as information on related programs, including the Swordfish Conformance Test Program.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the latest in Swordfish features and functionality
  • Understand the comprehensive components in the Swordfish ecosystem
  • How to get started working with Swordfish

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