NVMe Over CXL is much more than just an SSD

Bill Gervasi
Wolley, Inc

Thinking of CXL® as “just a bus” does a disservice to its true value as an opportunity to virtualize system resources. NVMe Over CXL™ is an abstraction of memory resources that combines bulk storage and memory along with persistence to provide a highly efficient combined resource available over multiple APIs including NVMe, DAX, HDM, BAEBI, etc. Data center power is already at crisis levels, largely due to the inefficiency of data movement where far below 1% of data moved is actually used. NVMe Over CXL allows for a 97% or greater reduction in data movement through the fabric, saving power and enhancing system performance. An optional data persistence mode brings NVDIMM-N style backup to CXL, improved over traditional approaches by allowing the host to define regions of persistence.

Learning Objectives

Understand that CXL allows simple methods for abstracting storage and memory in unique ways without requiring the need for new APIs
Data centers are in an energy crisis due to the growth of AI and crypto, but where are we wasting power? Analyze some causes of wasted data movement that make data centers See how storage, memory, and persistence can be consolidated into a common interface using NVMe as a cache management interface
Data persistence is an underrated feature that enables significant gains in performance while reducing power consumption; see how this capability can be combined into virtual memory
CXL is more than just a data center technology and needs expansion into workstation, desktop, and even notebook form factors as well. See what needs to be done to expand its use.

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