The Distributed-NVMe is my personal open source project. It is a distributed block storage system. It provides the standard NVMe-oF interface to the hosts. A single virtual block disk could provide more than 2 millions IOPS in the TCP NVMe-oF mode without any NVMe-oF specific hardware offload. Homepage:
Distributed-NVMe - a Distributed Block Storage System
Peng Yu
Learning Objectives
Upon completion, participant will be able to learn a way to build a high speed distribute storage
Upon completion, participant will be able to understand the architecture of Distributed NVMe project
Upon completion, participant will be able to the understand the prons and cons of Distributed NVMe
Upon completion, participant will be able to understand the use cases of Distributed NVMe
Upon completion, participant will be able to understand the integration between Distributed NVMe and K8s
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