Claudio DeSanti

Distinguished Engineer

Dr. Claudio DeSanti is a Distinguished Engineer with Dell Technologies’ Infrastructure Solutions Group (ISG), focusing on Storage Networking and Edge configurations. He worked previously as a Senior Network Architect Lead in Google, responsible for creating an industry ecosystem around the Google Fiber developed ‘Super-PON’ access technology. Before that he was a Fellow in Cisco, where he contributed to the development and success of many Cisco products, including Cisco’s UCS, Cisco’s Nexus 7K and 5K, Cisco’s MDS, and Cisco’s Catalyst switches. He is the inventor of FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet) and other Storage Networking technologies. He is highly recognized in standard bodies and industry associations, such as NVM express, INCITS T11, IEEE 802.1 and 802.3, IETF, and ITU-T Q2/SG15. He has been Chairman of the IEEE P802.3cs ‘Super-PON’ Task Force, Conference Chairman of the Ethernet Technology Summit, vice Chairman of the INCITS T11 Technical Committee, Chairperson of various working groups, and technical editor of multiple standards. He is co-author of the book "I/O Consolidation in the Data Center", published by Cisco Press and recipient of four INCITS technical awards. He holds a Ph.D. in computer engineering from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, Italy.