SNIA Computational Storage Standards


The SNIA Computational Storage TWG successfully released the Computational Storage Architecture and Programming Model v1.0 in August 2022 and the Computational Storage API v1.0 in October 2023.  The CS TWG continues advancing Computational Storage with enhancements to both the Computational Storage Architecture and Programming Model and Computational Storage API.  

The CS Architecture and Programming Model enhancements focus on security for multitenancy and sequencing of commands while the CS API enhancements provide clarifications to facilitate understanding.  This presentation will describe these enhancements in detail and discuss the current state of the SNIA CS Architecture and Programming Model and the current state of the SNIA CS API.

Learning Objectives

Understand the enhancements to the SNIA CS TWG Computational Storage Architecture and Programming Model.    
Understand the enhancements to the SNIA CS TWG Computational Storage API.     
Understand how SNIA Computational Storage Architecture relates to NVMe Computational Storage.   
Describe future directions that the Computational Storage TWG is heading, including SDXI and Computational Memory.

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