A New Adapter for Zoned Namespace SSD

Fri Sep 30 | 1:40pm

Introduce the characteristics of ZNS SSDs and current Linux SW ecosystem for ZNS SSDs. Describe an adapter xZTL that enables the host to access ZNS SSDs easily. We adopt xZTL to Percona and benchmark by sysbench. The results show that xZTL improves TPS of ZNS SSD by 14% – 90% and reduces latency (p99) by 19% – 47% compared with conventional SSD of identical hardware.

Learning Objectives

  • Characteristics, challenges and current Linux SW ecosystem status of ZNS SSDs
  • Architecture, key features of xZTL and how xZTL fits for ZNS SSDs with small zone size
  • The benefits of Percona benchmark gained from xZTL on ZNS SSDs



Hui Qi
Samsung R&D Institute China Xi'an (SRCX)
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