Special Events during SDC 2024

SMB3 Plugfest

SMB3 Interoperability Lab

The SNIA SMB3 Interoperability (IO) Lab will take place Monday, September 16 through Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather Sessions

The Birds of a Feather sessions will take place Monday, September 16 and Tuessday, September 17, 2024

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SNIA Swordfish™ Hands-on Lab

Cloud Object Storage Plugfest

This Cloud Object Storage Plugfest represents an opportunity for industry innovators to collaborate and enhance interoperability among private and public cloud object storage solutions. If your organization is developing S3-compatible object storage or develops software that utilizes object storage in any use case, your participation would be invaluable.

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