DMTF Redfish® for Storage Management

Mon Sep 16 | 8:55am
Lafayette/San Tomas

DMTF Redfish® is now a very fully featured management ecosystem for server management, but what about storage? Isn’t that Swordfish? Well, actually …
While Swordfish provides the storage-centric functionality, it leverages all of its base functionality from Redfish. Storage users and implementers can take advantage of the latest features in Redfish directly, including:
• Fabric support for CXL, supporting Swordfish and Sunfish
• Enhanced audit logging
• Enhanced metrics instrumentation
• Enhanced modeling for thermal and cooling, SKU management

Learning Objectives

Learn what’s new with Redfish and what new features it includes
Learn how storage implementers can take advantage of Redfish for storage functionality
Learn the latest features in Redfish that enable storage


Jeff Hilland
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