Juncheng Yang

Assistant Professor 
School of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University

I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Division in School of Applied Science and Engineering at Harvard University.

I am broadly interested in storage systems, data management and machine learning systems with particular interests on workload analysis, efficient storage, and sustainable system design. I like in-depth measurement and analysis to get deep understanding of systems and algorithms in the real world.

My works have received best-paper awards at NSDI'24, NSDI'21, SOSP'21, and SYSTOR'16 and have been deployed in production at Google, VMware, Twitter, Redpanda, Momento with many open-source libraries contributed by the community. My research has been sponsored by Meta, Google Cloud, and AWS. I am a 2020 Meta Fellow, a 2023 Google Cloud Research Innovator, and a 2023 Rising Star in Machine Learning and Systems.

Caching is used in almost every component of today's storage systems to speed up data access and reduce data movement.…

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