Addressing Capacity and Cost Challenges for Oracle Workloads using VMware Software Memory Tiering

Wed Sep 14 | 10:35am
Salon V

Digital transformation is driving applications to process more data in memory and in real time. Lack of Infrastructure technologies to support such environments is pushing customers to either over-provision expensive hardware or deploy complex solutions. Enterprises and cloud providers are looking to provide more flexibility and improve efficiencies for their customers, all without requiring huge lift in costs, hardware infrastructure or applications. In this talk, we showcase VMware Software Memory Tiering including near term trends like CXL, PCIGen5, for memory disaggregation. Finally, we will walk you through tech previews showing value of VMware Software Memory Tiering with some real world mission critical Oracle workloads use cases.

Learning Objectives

  • High level overview of VMware Software Memory Tiering
  • High level overview of Oracle 21c Persistent Memory Filestore using VMware Software Memory Tiering
  • How we can address capacity and cost challenges for Oracle Workloads using VMware Software Memory Tiering


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