A Persistent CXL Memory Module with DRAM Performance

Mon Sep 12 | 1:30pm
Salon V

Data persistence on CXL is an essential enabler toward the goal of instant-on processing. DRAM class performance combined with non-volatility on CXL enables a new class of computing architectures that can exploit these features and solve real-world bottlenecks for system performance, data reliability, and recovery from power failures. New authentication methods also enhance the security of server data in a world of cyberattacks.

Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will hear of some limitations of CXL (heat, latency, capacity, performance, volatility)
  • Attendees will learn that new media types can address these CXL issues
  • Attendees will see a Nantero roadmap to introduce this new memory media into production


Bill Gervasi
Wolley, Inc
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