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2010 SDC Featured Speakers
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Wayne Adams, Senior Technologist, Office of the CTO, EMC Wayne M. Adams is a Senior Technologist and Director of Standards within the Office of the CTO, responsible for expanding and managing EMC technology initiatives with the industry standards bodies. Wayne has proudly served on the SNIA Board of Directors since 2003 and was previously elected Chair for two years. Wayne also is a Board Member for the DMTF technology association and serves as the Vice President of Marketing. Within EMC, previous managing positions include partner management and software product management, where responsibilities included API licensing and product lifecycle management for Storage Resource Management, SAN Management, and I/O pathing product lines. Prior to EMC, Wayne was responsible for product marketing and business development of various strategic software and hardware products at Digital Equipment Corporation. He started his high-tech career at Eastman Kodak as a system designer of real-time control systems. Wayne holds a Bachelor of Science degree with a dual major in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh. |
Jeffrey Altman, President, Your File Systems, and Secure Endpoints, Inc. Gatekeeper and Elder, OpenAFS Jeffrey Altman, President of Your File System, Inc. and Secure Endpoints, Inc. has been an OpenAFS Gatekeeper and Elder since 2003. He started in secure distributed data exchange technologies working with Columbia University's Kermit. Through Secure Endpoints, Inc. Jeffrey is helping to set the direction for managing the multiple network identities necessary for real-world federated authentication in Single Sign-On environments via the Network Identity Manager open source project. Your File System, Inc. is developing write-once access-anywhere global storage solutions built upon OpenAFS. |
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Gordon Arnold, Senior Technical Staff, IBM. Gordon Arnold is co-chair of the Storage Security Industry Forum of the SNIA. He has worked on IBM's storage encryption and key mangement offerings for the last 5+ years. |
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has over 15 years of high-tech industry experience focused on datacenter technologies in practice today and future trends including Cloud Computing, Backup and Recovery, Storage, Virtualization, Grid Computing, Green Computing, Server Con- solidation, Data Security, etc. Having worked extensively throughout North America, he offers a seasoned business perspective, broad industry background and solid datacenter understanding. Ashar frequently engages customers at various levels i.e. C-level, VP-level, Director- level and Enduser-level and has conducted countless seminars/webinars/podcasts, hosted numerous panel discussions and Bird of a Feather sessions (BOFs) at trade shows, as well as written numerous articles, white papers and text books on various data center technologies. Ashar has held senior roles at some of North America’s lead- ing companies such as Platform Computing, TELUS, Siemens and Intel. |
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Scott Baker is recognized for his expertise in standards-based storage management. He has received several industry honors, including SNIA SMI Distinguished Engineer. Scott is currently working in the SNIA Cloud Storage Technical Working Group as a author contributor to both the CDMI architecture specification itself and as a developer on the CDMI reference implementation. A charter contributor to the Storage Management Initiative (SMI), he has authored several SMI-S profiles enabling interoperable management of high-availability, RAID mapping and iSCSI. Scott currently serves as chair of the SNIA Disk Resource Management technical working group, and is a core member of the SMI Technical Steering group. Scott holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of California at Riverside. |
Roopesh Battepati, Principal Development Lead, Microsoft Roopesh Battepati is a developer in the File Server Foundation team at Microsoft where he works on NFS and remote file system components. He has worked at Microsoft for the past decade in various development roles. Prior to Microsoft, he has held development positions at Oracle Corporation and Qualcomm Inc. He can be reached at roopeshb@microsoft.com. |
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Michael Behrens, CTO R2AD, LLC Michael Behrens, a graduate of the University of Hawaii, has been programming for the DoD on initiatives which involve dissemination of information on a global network. He has participated in the Open Grid Forum (OGF) OGSA, ACS, and currently the OCCI working group. Michael is the CTO of R2AD, LLC. |
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Julie Bellanca, Co-founder, Cleversafe Julie Bellanca is a co-founder of Cleversafe, and has worked on award winning products including a secure mail platform. Julie previously was a principal/national director at Lante Corporation, a publicly-held software and technology consultancy. Julie also co-founded ingenious inc., with multiple Fortune 100 clients that was acquired by Lante Corporation. Julie holds an Engineering degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. |
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Val Bercovici, Cloud Czar, Office of the CTO, NetApp Val Bercovici Cloud Czar, Office of the CTO, joined NetApp in 1998 and leads the Strategic Planning Team within the office of the CTO. Working with customers, analysts, and alliance partners, Val focuses on next-generation research projects and is responsible for NetApp’s product vision. Val introduced the first Cloud Standard to the industry as chairman of SNIA’s Cloud Storage Initiative, whose mission is to foster the growth and success of the cloud storage market. Previously, Val served as the vice-chair of SNIA’s Solid-State Storage Initiative. Val has over 25 years of IT industry experience spanning NCR (AT&T) and Cognos (IBM), with 12 years in storage at EMC and NetApp. Previously, he worked as a consultant to private industry and government. Val holds a bachelor of science degree in Computer Science from the University of Ottawa. |
Jeff Biseda, Developer, File Server Foundation, Microsoft Jeff Biseda is a developer in the File Server Foundation team at Microsoft where he works on NFS. Jeff has worked at Microsoft since 2003 in various development roles. He can be reached at jbiseda@microsoft.com. |
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Kai Blin, Developer, Samba Team Kai Blin is a computational biologist working on a Ph.D. in Biotechnology at the University of Tübingen. He spends his spare time working on Samba, an Open Source implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol. Kai holds a M.Sc. in computational biology from the University of Tübingen. He has been a member of the Samba Team since 2007. |
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Jeff Bonwick, Vice President and Senior Software Architect, Oracle Jeff Bonwick is a Vice President and Senior Software Architect at Oracle. He is the chief architect of ZFS, a new kind of file system that provides simple administration, transactional semantics, end-to-end data integrity, and immense scalability using commodity hardware. |
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David Boomer, DBA and Solution Architect David Boomer has been with IBM 22+ years and is currently the DBA and Solution Architect for the High Performance Storage System (HPSS). |
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Dhruba Borthakur, Project Lead, Open Source Apache, Hadoop Distributed File System, Facebook Dhruba Borthakur is the Project Lead for the Open Source Apache Hadoop Distributed File System. He has been associated with Hadoop almost since its inception while working for Yahoo. He currently works for Facebook. Earlier, he was a Senior Lead Engineer at Veritas Software (now acquired By Symantec) and was responsible for the design and development of software for the Veritas San File System. He was the Team Lead for developing the Mendocino Continuous Data Protection Software Appliance at a startup named Mendocino Software. Prior to Mendocino Software, he was the Chief Architect at Oreceipt.com, an e-commerce startup based in Sunnyvale, California. Earlier, he was a Senior Engineer at IBM-Transarc Labs where he was responsible for the development of Andrew File System (AFS) which is a part of IBM's e-commerce initiative WebSphere. Prior to his experience in the United States, Dhruba developed call processing software for Digital Switching Systems at C-DOT Delhi. Dhruba has an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and a B.S. in Computer Science from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, India. He has 11 issued patents and 10 patents pending. |
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Jordan Brown, Senior Software Engineer, Oracle Jordan Brown is a senior software engineer with over 30 years experience in a wide range of software environments. Before joining Sun Microsystems he worked on scientific and office applications for JPL, database software for Ashton-Tate, and X Windows System development for Quarterdeck Office Systems. At Sun he continued his work on X and became involved in device driver infrastructure, platform support, and software management. He is now responsible for Windows identity interoperability for the Solaris operating system. |
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James Westland Cain, Principal Software Architect, Quantel Limited James has been in the IT industry from 1994 and have been associated with Storage Technologies for most of this time. Some of the areas I have worked on are File Systems, File System Filters, NFS Gateway, iSCSI, Backup & Recovery and File Virtualization. Currently I head the Advanced Technology Group for the Networking and Storage Group at MindTree, here we are working on building tools that help in Secure Virtualization and Reliable Cloud Storage. |
Mark Carlson, Principal Cloud Strategist, Oracle. Mark A. Carlson, Principal Cloud Strategist at Oracle, has more than 30 years of experience with Networking and Storage development and more than fifteen year's experience with Java technology. He has spoken at numerous industry forums and events. He is the chair of the SNIA Cloud Storage, NDMP and XAM SDK technical working groups, chairs the DMTF Policy working group, serves on the SNIA Technical Council, and represents Oracle on the DMTF Technical Committee and serves as DMTF VP of Alliances. |
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Gerald Carter, Senior Software Engineer, Likewise Software. Gerald Carter is currently employed by Likewise Software as a senior software engineer and the current project lead for Likewise Open, an open source effort to make integration into Microsoft dominated networks simple for both network administrators and application developers. He has been developing, writing about, and teaching on Open Source since the late 90's at events such as LISA, LinuxWorld Expo, SANE, SambaXP, OSCON, and the SNIA SDC. He was a member of the Samba core development team from 1998 - 2009 and has authored both "LDAP System Administration" and the third edition of "Using Samba" and for O'Reilly Publishing. He has held previous positions at HP and VA Linux systems and completed his term on the Usenix Association's Board of Directors in June of this year. |
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Bikash Roy Choudhury,Solutions Architect, NetApp. Bikash is a Solutions Architect at NetApp designing and architecting solutions around NFSv3/v4, Vitualization and database. He also performs competitive analysis on performance evaluation and protocol analysis with different storage vendors over NFS. Prior to this role he was a NFS Technical Marketing Engineer partnering with vendors like Redhat, SUSE to provide Linux Alliance support for Pre/Post Sales empowerment and also providing alliance and partner support. He also provided documentation and collateral regarding best practices, performance tuning for customer and Sales. He also has experience as a Escalation and a Tech Support Engineer before this, where he managed and provided technical support for enterprise accounts like Oracle, Broadcom, Chevron and Motorola. Bikash has almost 17 years of hi-tech industry experience behind him. Before joining NetApp he was working a Professional service provider for some of the key accounts. He also was a System Administrator for UNIX setups at University working on various communication projects funded by the government. Bikash received a B.Sc. in Computer Science Engineering from Regional Engineering College, India and MSCIS from University of Phoenix, San Jose. He is also a speaker at partner/vendor industry conferences like Redhat Summit, PLM World and user forums like Linux Symposium, SNIA and at internal NetApp user communities like SE/PS conferences and Tech ONTAP Live. |
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Neal Christiansen, Principal Software Development Lead, Resilent File Systems Team, Windows Storage and File Systems, Microsoft Corporation. Neal Christiansen is a Principal Software Development Lead for the Resilient File Systems team in the Windows Storage and File Systems Group at Microsoft (Redmond WA). Neal joined Microsoft in 1999 as a member of the Core File Systems Group working in the File System Filters team. In 2002 he became the Lead for the File System Filters team and was involved with the design and implementation of the Windows FilterManager. Neal has 30 years of system software development experience. He led the design and implementation of the NSS File System for NetWare while at Novell. Neal also led the design and implementation of the Motorola 68000 based WMCS operating system for Wicat Systems. Neal has a BS in Computer Science from Brigham Young University. |
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Butch Clark, Engineering Manager / Team Lead, Xiotech Butch Clark has nearly 25 years experience with software systems and systems integration. His book Enterprise Application Integration using .NET (Addison Wesley) was highly touted for its discussion on the overall, top-down view of issues and opportunities when integrating major software systems. He has worked with companies from small Entrepreneurial start-ups to major Insurance companies, and has spent the last several years with Seagate and Xiotech. He holds a B.A. in Computer Science from Butler University, and an M.S. in Computer Science from Colorado Technical University. |
Josh Cohen, Senior Program Manager, Windows Enterprise Management Division Strategic Alliance Team, Microsoft Corporation Josh Cohen is a Senior Program Manager in Microsoft's Windows Enterprise Management Division Strategic Alliance Team. He leads the standards engagements for the division such as WS-Management and was also a co-author of the WS-Management specification. Since 1993, he has worked on various Internet Standards such as HTTP and participated in the IETF as well as OMA. In addition to this role, he has experience as a Program Manager, Developer and Administrator working on various Web infrastructure products and systems. Prior to working at Microsoft, he has experience working at small software companies as well as Netscape Communications and United Parcel Service. He holds a B.S. in Computer Engineering from Lehigh University. |
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Art Colvig, Software Engineer, IBM Art was the development lead for embedding the SMI-S agent on the TS3500 in 2007 and San Volume Controller in 2008. He has been working with embedded systems and storage subsystem firmware since 2001. |
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Tom Coughlin, President, Coughlin Associates Tom Coughlin, President, Coughlin Associates is a widely respected storage analyst and consultant. He has over 30 years in the data storage industry with multiple engineering and management positions at high profile companies. Dr. Coughlin has many publications and six patents to his credit. Tom is also the author of Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics: The Essential Guide, which was published by Newnes Press. Coughlin Associates provides market and technology analysis (including reports on several digital storage technologies and applications and a newsletter) as well as Data Storage Technical Consulting services. Tom is publishes a Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics Report, a Media and Entertainment Storage Report, and a Capital Equipment and Technology Report for the Hard Disk Drive Industry. Tom is active with SMPTE, SNIA, IDEMA, the IEEE Magnetics Society, IEEE CE Society, and other professional organizations. Tom is the founder and organizer of the Annual Storage Visions Conference (www.storagevisions.com), a partner to the International Consumer Electronics Show, as well as the Creative Storage Conference held (www.creativestorage.org). He is also a Senior member of the IEEE, Leader in the Gerson Lehrman Group Councils of Advisors and a member of the Consultants Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV). For more information on Tom Coughlin and his publications. go to www.tomcoughlin.com. . |
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John Crandall, Architect, Technology Group, Brocade. John Crandall is an architect for the Technology Group in Brocade, responsible for ensuring management standards integration into the Brocade architecture. Crandall works closely with standards organizations such as SNIA, DMTF, and T11 to develop, drive, and promote standards to simplify management of heterogeneous Storage Area Networks. Crandall has been with Brocade for over nine years, and has worked almost two decades exclusively in enterprise system management, and almost 30 years as a high technology engineer. |
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Marty Czekalski, Vice President, SCSI Trade Association (STA) Marty Czekalski brings over twenty years of senior engineering management experience in advanced architecture development for Storage and IO subsystem design, ASIC, and Memory Systems. He is currently Sr. Staff Program Manager within Seagate’s Enterprise Market Development Group. Previous industry experience includes engineering management roles at Maxtor, Quantum and Digital Equipment Corporation. Additionally, at Digital Equipment Corp., he was a key member of the Storage Strategy Task Force and the Next Generation IO Task Force, setting the directions for storage and interface strategy. Mr. Czekalski has participates in multiple interface standards committees and industry storage groups. He was a founding member of the Serial Attached SCSI Working Group during that lead to the development of Serial Attached SCSI. He currently serves as Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of the SCSI Trade Association. Mr. Czekalski is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Fibre Channel Industry Association, active with the T10 committee and the Trusted Computing Group. Mr. Czekalski earned his MS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland, and his BE degree in Electrical Engineering from the Stevens Institute of Technology. |
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Stephen Daniel, Technical Director, NetApp Speaker Bio (pending) |
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Steven Danneman, Software Development Engineer II, Isilon Systems. Steven Danneman is a Software Development Engineer at Isilon Systems in Seattle, WA makers of scale-out NAS clusters. He is also a member of the Samba team developing open source Windows interoperability software for the *nix world. Steven has a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Washington. |
Jim Davis, CTO, WBEM Solutions, Inc. Speaker Bio (pending) |
Dan Decasper, Co-founder and CEO, Cirtas Dan co-founded Cirtas with the vision of enabling the enterprise to utilize cloud storage as if it were a local array. Prior to Cirtas, Dan ran the WANScaler and Branch Repeater engineering teams at Citrix. He came to Citrix through its acquisition of WAN optimization company Orbital Data in 2006, where he served as the CTO. Prior to Orbital, Dan co-founded Jibe Networks and served as its CEO through its acquisition by Orbital Data. Jibe was a pioneer in grid-based content distribution, secure application-layer networking, and software-based WAN optimization. Prior to Jibe Networks, Dan served in a series of software development and management roles. He holds a BS-equivalent in business administration and a Diploma and Ph.D. (with highest honors) in computer science, all from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). |
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David Dodgson, Software Engineer, Unisys Corporation David Dodgson has been a software engineer with Unisys Corp. for over thirty years. He has worked on programming languages such as COBOL and C++, operating systems, and storage solutions. David is currently on the architecture team for the Unisys Stealth Security project. |
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John Eastman, CTO, Mezeo Software John Eastman, Chief Technology Officer As CTO, John Eastman is responsible for the overall solution architecture and integration points as well providing insight on all aspects of technology-driven market changes. John has over 15 years of experience in software architecture and design. He possesses a broad range of engineering and software development experience in the areas of distributed object systems, massively-scalable architectures, relational databases, and data security. Prior to Mezeo, John was Chief Architect focused on storage and distributed file systems for Houston based Simdesk Technologies, a pioneer in online and mobile Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. Previous to that he served as solutions architect for Wellspring Solutions, focused on their successful Distributed Object Server for real-time controls monitoring. John also brings previous executive experience as co-founder and principal of Radix Technologies, LLC, where he helped the company in the development of 3-D visualization and simulation product portfolio. John holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Centre College. |
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Rik Faith, Sr. Member Technical Staff, NetApp During the past 6 years as a software developer at NetApp, Rik Faith has studied the influence of file system layout on disk performance and has optimized associated read and write pathways in NetApp's WAFL file system. Prior to NetApp, Dr. Faith worked at Red Hat on Linux kernel and graphics performance. Dr. Faith has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. |
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Vincent Franceschini, CTO Distributed Data Storage Solutions, Hitachi Data Systems Vincent Franceschini is the Chief Technology Officer of Distributed Data Storage Solutions for Hitachi Data Systems Corporation’s Department of File & Content Services, Media & Entertainment. In this role he is responsible for defining the future directions of HDS distributed architectures on a worldwide basis and for selecting key future technologies and solutions that HDS will market in fast growing IT market segments such as Cloud Services. Franceschini is also Hitachi Data Systems' primary representative to leading Industry Associations and Standards Development Organizations such as the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) where he became Chairman Emeritus in 2008 after many years of Executive service. More recently Franceschini has contributed to the launch of Cloud Storage standards activities in SNIA. Franceschini is also an active member of Open Grid Forum Europe’s Industry Experts Group (IEG). With over 19 years experience in developing technology solutions, Franceschini’s expertise covers storage network technologies, solutions and markets, distributed architectures, software development, real-time systems, customer support and technical marketing. An accomplished and experienced public speaker, Franceschini has been working with storage networking and storage management technologies since 1995. |
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Steve French, Senior Engineer IBM Linux Technology.Member Samba Team Steve French is a Senior Engineer with the IBM Linux Technology Center and member of the Samba Team. He was a co-author of the SNIA CIFS Specification, and original author of the Linux cifs and smb2 kernel clients. He has been a frequent speaker at CIFS and storage events. |
Matthew George, Sr. Software Development Engineer, Microsoft Corporation Mathew George is a Senior Software Developer in the File Server Team at Microsoft. He has been with Microsoft since 2001 and has contributed to the design and development of the SMB/SMB2 family of protocols - with specific focus on the client implementation. Before joining Microsoft, he worked for Novell in the area of Network Management & traffic analysis. |
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Leonid Grossman, Vice President of Software Engineering for 10GbE Server and Storage products, Exar Corporation Leonid Grossman has over 20 years of experience in networking and system software development. He is Vice President of Software Engineering for 10GbE Server and Storage products for Exar Corporation. He joined Exar through the acquisition of Neterion in March 2010. Mr. Grossman founded Neterion in 2001. Prior to Neterion, Leonid worked at Advanced Micro Devices, Alteon WebSystems, and Nortel Networks in various development and managerial positions. Leonid holds seven US patents. He has an M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Moscow Petroleum University, an M.Sc in Computer Science from Moscow University of Physics, and an MBA from San Jose State. |
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Manu Gupta, Technical Architect, Patni Americas, Inc. Manu Gupta is Technical Architect for Storage CoE of Patni Americas Inc. Manu has over 11 years of experience around Storage & Networking Protocols. Manu's research interests includes Unified Computing & interoperability between storage sub systems. Manu has extensive experience in iSCSI, FC and SAS protocols. |
Benny Halvey, Software Architect, Pansas Benny Halevy is the pNFS gatekeeper for the Linux development process. He has been an architect for Panasas for several years. As well as managing the various open source contributions by other developers, he has written large parts of the generic pNFS client and server for Linux. |
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Jim Handy, a widely recognized semiconductor analyst, has over 30 years in the electronics industry including 14 years as an industry analyst for Dataquest (Gartner) and Semico, and marketing and design positions at Intel, National Semiconductor, and Infineon. He has written hundreds of articles and studies, is often interviewed and quoted in the trade press and is a frequent presenter. Mr. Handy received a BSEE from Georgia Tech and an MBA from the University of Phoenix. He holds a patent for cache memory design, and wrote “The Cache Memory Book.” Memberships include the Advisory Board of the Flash Memory Summit, iNEMI, and SNIA. He is a Gerson Lehrman Group Leader. |
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Christopher Hertel, CTO, ubiqx Development, Inc If you don't know Chris Hertel by now, you haven't been paying much attention to the SMB/CIFS development community over the past ten years. Chris is the author of _Implementing CIFS_, the only developer's guide to the SMB/CIFS protocol suite. He is also the founder of ubiqx Consulting, Inc., which wrote the new [MS-CIFS] and [MS-SMB] specifications under contract with Microsoft. |
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Holger Hetterich, Level 3 Support Engineer / Samba Developer, Novell Holger Hetterich works as a Level 3 Support Engineer at SUSE since 1999, handling critical business support issues. Over the years, he became a Samba specialist. In 2007, by discovering the VFS layer of Samba, he began to create SMB Traffic Analyzer as a new project. |
Easen Ho, PhD., CTO, Calypso Systems, Inc. Dr. Ho is the Chief Technical Officer of Calypso Systems, Inc. Calypso specializes in SSD test and measurement and provides engineering consulting services, conducts industry blind surveys and product comparisons, and provides Industry Standard SSD Performance Benchmark Test Systems that are compliant to the SSSI PTS Specification. Dr. Ho Dr. received his PhD from MIT in 1996 and his MSEE from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1990 and was previously president and CEO of Digital Papyrus, Inc., a developer of various technologies for optical disk drives. |
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Larry Hofer, Technologist, Advanced Development Organization, Emulex Larry Hofer joined Emulex in March of 2007 and serves as a technologist in the company’s advanced development organization. Hofer is responsible for promoting and developing security products at Emulex. Hofer was the chief architect for the recently announced Emulex OneSecure™ encryption Host Bus Adapters. Larry Hofer has contributed to SNIA security tutorials and is a member of the SNIA Security Technical Work Group. Hofer is also a member of the OASIS KMIP and past member of IEEE p1619 standards groups and others, such as FC-SP. He is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and holds a Computer Security Certificate from Stanford, in addition to Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering and a Master of Science degree in computer information systems. Hofer is a licensed Professional Engineer and an IEEE member. |
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David Holder, Co-founder and Director, Erion David Holder is a co-founder and Director at Erion where he has been responsible for Erion's IPv6 training and consultancy services for over twelve years. In his role at Erion, David has worked for many well known companies providing advanced IPv6 training and consultancy. These include the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, HP, EMC, Atos Origins, Arbor Networks, France Telecom, Ericsson, Orange, 3Com and Motorola. He has written many training courses, white papers and books for Erion and for third parties such as Microsoft and IBM. David has a long and extensive experience with Windows and Unix integration and has written and presented widely on these topics. He has driven Erion's work to IPv6 enable Samba, leading to the IPv6 enabling of the Linux CIFS client and Samba 3.x. In addition to his role at Erion, Dr Holder is active in promoting IPv6 both in the UK and abroad. He is the chairman of the IPv6 Task Force Scotland (where he lives) and is a regular speaker at Global IPv6 conferences on IPv6 and Samba. Dr Holder has a PhD in Semiconductor Physics and an Honours degree in Electronic Engineering. He is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering Technology and a Member of the IEEE. He holds a number of industry qualifications. |
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Dr. M. K Jibbe, Distinguished Engineer, LSI Corporation Dr. M. K. Jibbe is a distinguished Engineer at LSI Corporation (ESG). At the technical level, he leads the test architect & Product Certification Team in US in US and India as a test technologist and a quality Czar. As an architect lead, Dr. Jibbe and his group define and design the test requirements and test processes for all the LSI Storage products. Dr. Jibbe has been awarded 19 US / Canada patents, 34 others in Patent Pending State, and published over 47 papers in different technical Conferences held in USA and Europe. Dr. M. K. Jibbe is an Adjunct Professor at The Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas, USA. Dr. Jibbe teaches classes related to hardware simulation, MPP, Interface protocols, Computer Architecture, Programming Languages and Standards, and other Basic Electrical and Computer engineering classes. |
Erik Johannes, Staff Software Engineer, LSI Erik Johannes is currently a Staff Engineer at LSI working in the Application Aware group chartered with developing plug-in that better integrate management of LSI Storage Array products with the applications that utilize this storage. Erik has over 20 years of experience in both large companies and small startups, with the last 12 focusing on hardware management related architecture and development. As part of his career, Erik has worked closely with partners and customers, including product introduction presentations. Erik has a graduate degree in Computer Science from the University of New Mexico |
Eden Kim, Calypso Systems, Inc Bio Pending |
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Jeff Kimmel, Senior Technical Director, NetApp Jeff Kimmel oversees the use of flash memory in NetApp's storage systems architecture. Jeff's career spans 25 years of server systems design. His areas of technology leadership have included advanced memory and systems architectures such as cache coherent non-uniform memory access (ccNUMA), multiprocessor scaling, file systems, storage and I/O subsystems, and application portability. He was a founding working group member of the POSIX standards committee. Jeff holds a BS degree in Computer Engineering from Case Western Reserve University. |
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Brad King, Director Customer Architectures, Scality Brad began his multifaceted career as a naval architect with the French navy, performing numerical simulations of ship capsize and waves around large ships. He then joined a Schlumberger research lab in Paris for several years, where he worked on turbulent fluid dynamics, laboratory automation, large-scale parallel numerical simulations, and new internet technologies, which included monitoring of NCSA projects (such as Mosaic) funded by Schlumberger. In 1999, he and a partner started the Paris office of Software.com, a provider of email software including Post.Office. After Software.com merged with Phone.com, Brad continued with the new company, Openwave, in a pre-sales position working with fixed and mobile operators throughout Europe, selling messaging solutions, WAP gateways, MMSCs, embedded handset software, and location-based solutions. He joined Bizanga Labs in 2008 as an architect designing messaging security systems and large distributed storage systems. Brad holds a PhD degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of Michigan |
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David Kruse, Lead Software Developer, Microsoft |
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Chethan Kumar, Senior Member, Technical Staff, VMware Speaker Bio Pending |
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Giridhar Lakkavalli, General Manager/Technical Architect, MindTree Ltd Giridhar has been in the IT industry from 1994 and have been associated with Storage Technologies for most of this time. Some of the areas he has worked on are File Systems, File System Filters, NFS Gateway, iSCSI, Backup&Recovery and File Virtualization. Currently he heads the Advanced Technology Group for the Networking and Storage Group at MindTree, where they are working on building tools that help in Secure Virtualization and Reliable Cloud Storage. |
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Mike Lamb, TPC, Storage Resource Management Software, IBM Mike is a lead developer on Tivoli's storage resource management product, Tivoli Storage Productivity Center (TPC). He participated in creating the SMI-S CTP client test for storage arrays as well as developing SMI-S client code for storage subsystem provisioning and reporting. He has also worked with TPC customers on deploying and configuring SMI-S solutions. |
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Jérôme Lecat is a serial entrepreneur and business angel with 15 years of internet start-up experience. From 2003 to 2010, Jérôme led Bizanga, the leading email MTA for service providers, which he founded with Olivier Lemarie, Marc Sheldon and Giorgio Regni. Bizanga achieved major market penetration worldwide with customers such as Comcast, Cox Communications, Telefonica and United Internet (1&1). Bizanga was successfully sold to Cloudmark in February 2010. In 2001, Jérôme became Chairman of the Board of Data Center Technology (DCT), a Belgium based start-up which developed a unique Content Addressable Storage (CAS) technology, especially for the backup market. After signing over 70 customers, DCT was sold to Veritas in 2005 with significant profit for its investors. In 1994, Jérôme founded with Olivier Dauchot and Olivier Lemarié Internet-Way, the fourth ISP for enterprises to open in France. As CEO, he built the company from a garage start-up to the second largest ISP in France. In 1997, after the company had reached profitability, he sold the company to UUNET where he served as vice president of products for EMEA. Jérôme has also been active as a Business Angel and Board Member in several leading technology companies, including Vision Objects, the world leader in handwriting recognition, which was sold to DoubleDay in 2009. |
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Volker Lendecke, Samba Team/SerNet Volker Lendecke is long-term member of the core Samba Team and Co-Founder of SerNet GmbH in Göttingen, Germany |
Lei Liu, Principal Engineer, Oracle Lei is a principal engineer at system-storage division for Oracle. He has about 12 year hands on experience on R&D and product development from requirement analysis, system architecture, protocol design, software design, implementation, integration, testing and partner engineering engagement. Lei also has performance tuning, sizing, benchmarking and capacity planning experience. His current R&D work focuses on security, policy management, key management, intrusion detection for next generation storage line. Lei has four patents granted and two patents filed to US patent office. With his personal night hours, Lei published three Springer book chapters, a CRC, Chapman & Hall book chapter and many IEEE/ACM papers at (www.ieee.org) on system and storage. Lei has been writing a book on Next Generation Enterprise System. Before joining Sun, Lei served as a Lead/Engineering Architect at Visa International and PG&E for Large scale transaction system R&D and product development. Lei also contributed to fast paced start-up product development at Bay-Area since early 1999. Lei's R&D Interests: Quantum Computer, Algorithm and Information Theory, Operating System and Performance Model,Bio-Inspired Storage, Storage Security, Autonomic Computing, Testbed(Simulation,Emulation and Real Tests), Distributed Data Structures, Cellular Automata, Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Ad-hoc & Peer-to-Peer Networks, Next Generation Internet, Parallel & Grid Computing, Virtualization, Attack&Detection and Adaptive Middleware. |
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Paul Long, Network Monitor Technical Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation Paul Long, Technical Evangelist for Windows Interoperability Tools Team Paul Long focuses on connecting with our public by publishing information via our blog, http://blogs.technet.com/netmon, as well as providing support on our forums, http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/netmon. He takes customer experiences and helps to drive product direction and functionality. Previously he worked as a networking support specialist in the Critical Problem Resolution (CPR) group for 10 years where he provided corporate level support for the most difficult customer issues. |
Dan Lovinger, Senior Software Design Engineer, Microsoft Corporation Dan Lovinger is a Senior Software Design Engineer in the Windows File Server team with a current focus on systems architecture and performance. Since joining what was then the Windows NT Base team in 1995, he has worked across the local and remote/distributed file systems and their kernel support. From 1996 to 2001 he led Microsoft's participation in the Optical Storage Technology Association's standardization of the UDF filesystem. Dan is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon and holds a Bachelor's in Mathematics/Computer Science. |
Vladimir Marek, Ing. (Engineer), Oracle Vladimir was working in Sun for more than 5 years as a maintainer of telco X.25 products and also working on the 3-rd party open-source apps. bundled into the Solaris. |
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Brian Mason, Staff Software Engineer, LSI Brian is a Staff Software Engineer at LSI working in the Application Aware team. Brian has over 20 years of development experience the last 11 years developing management applications for hardware platforms. Brian currently holds a graduate degree in Computer Science from University of IL, Springfield. In addition to full time programming, Brian has taught Java through a local university program that reaches out to advanced high school students as well as through a learning center for IT professionals. He has also been a guest speaker at local user groups and large development conferences. |
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Greg McSorley, Technical Business Development Manager, Amphenol Greg is a 28 year computer/storage business veteran. The bulk of his high-tech career was spent and Data General and EMC designing and testing packages for EMI integrity, and high speed interconnects. For the past 10 years, Greg has focused his expertise on designing high speed interconnects, including SCSI, FC, IB and 10GbE. Greg has remained active throughout his career in various standards committees, including INCITS T10 and T11, SFF, where he took part in chairing working groups. Today, Greg plays an active role in the Fibre Channel Industry Association (FCIA), SCSI Trade Association (STA) and Ethernet Alliance (EA). While in his current position at Amphenol, Greg leads the company’s standard committee activities and continues to be involved the T10 and T11 committees including the 40 and 100GbE effort. |
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Alex Miroshnichenko, CTO, Virsto Software Alex’s knack for creating innovation in virtualization and storage dates from the early 1990s, when he joined a tiny company of storage pioneers called Veritas Software. In a dozen years there, he established himself as a brilliant technologist at the core of major innovations ranging from the Veritas File System and the Veritas Database Edition for Oracle, to the industry’s first viable storage software appliance technology and early explorations of a then-nascent virtualization technology called Xen. Alex was one of the backbone engineers as Veritas (now Symantec) grew from an inconsequential startup to a $2B giant. After Veritas, Alex became VP of engineering and CTO of digital archiving provider PowerFile, then served as CTO at backup software vendor Acronis. In 2007, Alex’s experience gave him unique insight into the problems of storage management under virtual servers, leading him to co-found Virsto. |
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Jesus Molina, Security Researcher, Fujitsu America Jesus Molina, Ph.D., M.S. is a security researcher at Fujitsu Laboratories of America, and co-chairs the authentication working group at the trusted computing group (TCG), where he has been contributing since 2002. In addition, Mr. Molina is the instructor of a graduate course on trustworthy computing at the University of Maryland. Prior to that, he was the maintainer of the open source emulator for the trusted platform module, and contributed to other projects related to trustworthy computing. He has published and presented his work at several conferences, including IEEE security and USENIX security. His current research interests include hardware security, authentication, trustworthy computing and virtualization. |
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David Moolennar, CTO, R2AD, LLC David Moolenaar, a graduate of San Diego State University, has been developing Java applications in support of the various DARPA and DoD initiatives. He has recently participated in the Open Grid Forum where he has supported open standards for the cloud community,. He has developed data visualization tools which can incorporate data from many sources and render them on geo spatial displays and 2D user interfaces to help maximize the users experience. David is the VP of R2AD's West Coast office. |
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Bill Mottram, Vice President of Marketing, Atrato, Inc. Mottram has spent over 25 years in the business of developing and marketing data storage solutions. Currently the Vice President of Atrato Inc., he has held executive positions in such companies as Storage Technology, Compaq and Hewlett Packard as well as several entrepreneurial ventures. Prior to Atrato he was an industry analyst with Veridictus Associates Inc and a principle contributor for the Wikibon Project. He is still an active blogger (www.storagetopics.com). A graduate of Paisley College of Technology (electronic engineering) and holds a Masters of Business Administration from Pepperdine University. |
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Michelle Munson, CEO and Co-founder, Aspera |
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Peter Murray, Product Manager, SwiftTest Peter Murray is an expert with more than 25 years of experience in testing, implementing and maintaining secure, fast and highly-available networks and applications. Prior to joining SwiftTest, Peter worked with leading vendors including F5 Networks and Spirent Communications, and was extensively involved with stateful device and network testing products and engagements. |
Dilip Naik, Managing Partner, VMUtil Inc. Dilip Naik is an ex Microsoft employee, a current File Systems Storage MVP, and the author of “Inside Windows Storage”. Dilip also co-authored the Microsoft Leach/Naik RFC on CIFS. Dilip worked on the CIFS stack while at Microsoft and was the kernel mode WMI Program Manager when he left. Dilip has an extensive background with file system filter drivers and his current interests are in the intersection of Virtual Machines, file systems, and storage. Some of Dilip’s work can be found at www.msftmvp.com and www.VMUtil.com |
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Sudheer Nair, Technical Architect, Patni Americas Inc Sudheer Nair is a Technical Architect in the Storage Business Unit at Patni Americas, Inc. He has around 11 years of industry experience with around 6 years in the storage space. He has been with Patni Computers for around 4 years and has been associated with a Storage leader developing disk emulation and next generation FCOE protocol drivers for them. Earlier, he was a Senior Software Engineer at VERITAS Software responsible for the design and development of SMIS based providers for their Volume Manager software. Prior to that he had worked for General Electric on their service technician’s communication network software and for Mahindra British Telecom (now Tech Mahindra) on a Telecom Billing Mediation product for one of their clients. Sudheer has a Bachelor in Electrical Engineering from VJTI, Mumbai, India |
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Jay Neer, Member Representative SCSI Trade Association (STA) Jay Neer is strategic development manager, industry standards with Molex Inc. He represents Molex at T10/SCSI, T11/Fibre Channel, and SFF standards committees as well as the SCSI Trade Association, the Fibre Channel Industry Association, and the InfiniBand Trade Association. Neer has been named on more than 30 patents related to connectors and packaging. He holds degrees from the State University of New York in Tool Design and a Bachelor of Science degree in Technology from Excelsior College. |
Alan Newman, Vice President Marketing, SwiftTest Alan has held senior marketing leadership roles at Spirent and Cisco, and worked at start-ups that include Octel Communications and Caw Networks. At Spirent, Alan was responsible for product management and product marketing for the Avalanche, Triple Play, and Access product lines, which generated $80M+ in revenue. Alan has an MBA from Santa Clara University with Distinction, an MSCS from Dartmouth College with Honors, and a BA from New College of the University of South Florida. |
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Dmitry Oblukhov, Security Firmware Manager, SandForce Dmitry is the Security Firmware Manager at SandForce. He also represents the company in Trusted Computing Group. In 2009 he earned TCG award for his contribution to Opal and Core specifications. |
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Anand Babu Periasamy, CTO & Co-Founder, Gluster As CTO and Co-founder, AB sets the vision and strategy for the Gluster platform. Prior to Gluster, AB was CTO of California Digital Corporation, where his work led to scaling of the commodity cluster computing to supercomputing class performance. He drove the adoption of cluster computing and GNU/Linux at enterprise data centers and helped close strategic accounts at CDC. In 2004, AB led the development of world's second fastest Supercomputer code named "Thunder" for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. AB also serves on the board of "Free Software Foundation - India". He is the author / contributor of various other Free Software projects like GNU FreeIPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface), GNU Garp (Gratuitous ARP Daemon), bios-config (edit/replicate CMOS parameters), librpci/hdb (RPC interpose for GNU Hurd) and Hymn/PlayFair (iTunes ripper), GNU Freetalk (Scheme extensible messenger for Jabber, Google talk), and Freehoo (Scheme extensible messenger for YahooIM). AB holds a Computer Science Engineering degree from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India. |
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Steve Peters, Project Lead, PMC-Sierra Steve Peters works for PMC-Sierra and leads their storage management software development. He has worked in the Storage business for more than 25 years. Steve is a major contributor to the SMI-S standard and is one of the original authors |
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David Peterson, Senior Advisory Engineer, Brocade Dave represents Brocade at industry standards organizations such as T10 (SCSI), T11 (Fibre Channel), and IEEE 802.1. Dave has been involved with Fibre Channel Backbone (FC-BB) standards development since its inception. Dave has been the technical editor for the FC-BB series of standards from FC-BB-3 to present. |
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Joe Polastre, Co-founder and Chief Technology, Sentilla Corporation Joe Polastre is co-founder and chief technology officer at Sentilla, a company that provides enterprise software for managing power in the data center. Joe is responsible for defining and implementing the company’s global technology and product strategy. Winner of the 2009 Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal 40 Under 40 award and named one of BusinessWeek’s Best Young Tech Entrepreneurs, Joe often speaks about energy management and the role of physical computing -- where information from the physical world is used to make energy efficiency decisions. Before joining Sentilla, Joe held software development and product manager positions with IBM, Microsoft and Intel. Joe is active in numerous organizations, including The Green Grid, US Green Building Council, ACM and IEEE. Joe holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from University of California, Berkeley, and a B.S. in Computer Science from Cornell University. |
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Abhishek Rajimwale, Sr. Software Engineer, Data Domain/EMC Abhishek Rajimwale is a Sr. Software Engineer at Data Domain/EMC, working on building deduplication based file system for backup and archiving products. Prior to this, he has worked as a Software Architect for Multimedia Application Processors at STMicroelectronics, where he worked on porting embedded operating systems on mobile platforms. He has graduated from University of Wisconsin-Madison. |
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Rich Ramos, Chief Technologist, Consultant Rich Ramos Over the 18 years that Rich has been a storage industry professional he has served in many roles from tech sales to Chief Technolgist. He has focused in technology areas such as Cloud Storage, Object Storage, RAID and advanced file systems. Rich has represented his companies in associations and committees such as SNIA, T10-SCSI, T11-Fibrechannel, and IETF. Rich has been a member of the SNIA Cloud Storage Technical Work Group since it's inception in March 2009 and has contributed to both the CDMI specification as well as the CDMI Reference Implementation. Rich holds a B.S. in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana. |
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A veteran of open source and commercial development projects, Giorgio's expertise ranges from leading the development of an open-source content management system to designing and implementing a POS system for restaurants used in over 5,000 restaurants in Europe. Giorgio, who joined Bizanga shortly after its inception, started as a lead developer for core IMP application and firmware before overseeing the company's development activities. He holds an engineering degree in computer science from INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées) in Toulouse. |
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Jason Resch, Senior Software Engineer, Cleversafe Jason Resch has been a software developer at Cleversafe for over 4 years, and has done extensive research into reliability modeling and data loss. He graduated from Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. |
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Erik Riedel, Sr. Director of Technology & Architecture, EMC Erik Riedel, Ph.D. is Senior Director of Technology & Architecture in the Cloud Infrastructure Group at EMC in Cambridge, MA. The group is working to build cloud storage technology for deployment in private and public clouds. Focus areas include scalability, robustness, metadata-informed policy, multi-tenancy and security. Erik is a member of the SNIA Technical Council, helping to lead industry-wide education, technology promotion and standardization efforts. Before joining EMC, Erik was Director of Interfaces & Architecture at Seagate Research in Pittsburgh, PA. The group he founded and led focussed on novel storage devices and systems with increased intelligence to optimize performance, improve security, improve reliability, and enable smarter organization of data. The technology targetted both large-scale enterprise storage clusters and ad-hoc collections of consumer and mobile storage devices working together. Previously, Erik was a researcher in the storage program at Hewlett-Packard Labs in Palo Alto, CA. He has authored and co-authored eleven granted patents and a number of pending patent applications, as well as numerous technical publications on a range of storage-related topics. Erik holds B.S., M.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Carnegie Mellon University. His thesis work was on Active Disks as an extension to Network-Attached Secure Disks (NASD). |
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José Rivera, SA3G. ubiqx Consulting, Inc. José Rivera went from zero to CIFS expert in under a year and a half. As an employee of ubiqx Consulting, he is one of the contributors to the [MS-CIFS] and [MS-SMB] specifications published by Microsoft. |
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Allen Samuels, Co-founder, Cirtas Allen oversees all product design and architecture, and as a member of the executive team contributes to the technical vision and strategic direction of Cirtas. Prior to co-founding Cirtas, Allen founded and was Chief Architect at Orbital Data, which was acquired in 2006 by Citrix Systems for $60M. Before founding Orbital Data, Allen led a consulting practice where he architected a network security accelerator that was incorporated into the Cisco 4000 series router, a 3-D graphics chip and a SAN virtualization appliance. Earlier in his career he served eleven years at Weitek ending as Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, and was a member of the technical staff at Harris Corp., where he was instrumental in the design and architecture of hardware and software for 64-bit supercomputers and associated operating systems. Allen started his career at Burroughs as a developer for one of the industry's first multiprocessor mainframe operating systems. Allen earned his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Rice University. He is also a registered patent agent. |
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Jiri Sasek, Ing (Engineer) Oracle Presenter was working in Sun Microsystems Inc. for 5 years as a maintainer of the 3rd party open-source apps bundled into the Solaris. Before the joining of Sun he spent several wonderful years on the paternity leave healing his nerves after the ten years spent in aerospace industry where he was designing the Real Time and mission critical apps. |
Mayank Saxena, Software Engineer, NetApp Mayank Saxena is currently working as Software Engineer at NetApp. He is an alumni of USC, where he completed his Masters in Computer Science. He also worked for Microsoft Research for data management and HP's Storage lab involving storage array's I/O monitoring suite. He has published various papers and pending patents relevant to storage industry. |
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Peter Scott, Consulting Partner, Kernel Drivers Peter Scott has been working in Windows for over 18 years, primarily focused on file systems and storage pathways in the kernel. He is the founding partner at Kernel Drivers, a consulting firm solving Windows kernel mode issues since 2000. He has contributed to the Open AFS Windows client for the past two years, designing and implementing the current file system redirector. |
Moshe Selfin, VP Enterprise Solutions, Anobit Mr. Selfin has over 15 years of experience in the IT and storage industry. Prior to joining Anobit, Mr. Selfin was the inventor, co-founder and VP Marketing & Product at Kaminario, a developer of an ultra high performance storage appliance. Previously he held senior positions at IBM, EMC and Elbit Systems. Mr. Selfin holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, Information Systems and an MBA from Haifa University. |
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Sam Siewert, Chief Technology Officer, Atrato, Inc. With over 20 years experience in system design, Sam leads Atrato's storage architecture and implementation strategy. He currently teaches Real-Time Digital Media and Robotics in the Embedded Systems Program at the University of Colorado and is a well-respected, published author on the topic. His experience includes a lead role with Emulex Corp. developing firmware, architecture models, and performance tools in joint development with Intel. He also has several patents and inventions related to ASIC debug, CPU scheduling, and helped devise the semi-autonomous operations system for a Space Shuttle Hitchhiker |
Prateek Sinha, Storage Solution Developer, Tata Consultancy Services Prateek Sinha is an associate of Tata Consultancy Services with 2 years of work experience. He is working as a Storage Solution Developer. His focus area is Data Protection with in the Storage Domain. He has been involved in developing a data protection application by integrating Open Source Solution and storage. The solution is a glue code between Open Source Application and Sorage which provides online backup / recovery & Archival feature for the open source application. |
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David Slik, Technology Architect, NetApp David Slik is the Chief Technology Architect at Bycast, Inc, and the co-author of the CDMI standard. Bycast has been a leader in object storage software since 2002, providing the software for hundreds of deployments managing dozens of petabytes of critical data around the world. |
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Richard Solomon, Host Interface Architect, LSI Corporation Richard Solomon is the Host Interface Architect for LSI's Storage Components Division in Colorado, and Vice President of PCI-SIG, the standards body which owns PCI Express. He has been involved in the development of PCI storage controllers dating back to the NCR 53C810 and pre-1.0 versions of the PCI specification. Richard was a key contributor to both the Single Root and Multi-Root PCI Express I/O Virtualization specifications, and he continues to represent LSI on wide variety of PCI-SIG workgroups. Richard holds a BSEE from Rice University and nineteen US Patents. |
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Esther Spanjer, Director, SSD Technical Marketing, SMART Modular Esther Spanjer is Director, SSD Technical Marketing at SMART Modular. With more than 12 years of experience in the flash industry, Ms. Spanjer has gained valuable knowledge on the requirements for flash-based storage solutions in embedded, industrial and enterprise storage applications. She has authored more than 20 articles in international publications and conference proceedings, and has been chosen to speak at a number of industry events, including IDEMA, DiskCon, ESC, ARM Developers conference, Server Blade Summit, OSTA and Flash Memory Summit. She formerly worked for msystems and STEC, and holds a B.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering from the Technical University Amsterdam (Netherlands) in 1991. |
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Simon Sun, Software Design Engineer, Microsoft Corporation Simon Sun is a Software Design Engineer (SDE) in the Protocol Engineering Team of Microsoft China. He is responsible for the stack design and development of protocol Test Suites. Before joining Microsoft, Simon Sun was an IMS (IP-Multimedia-Subsystem) Expert in France Telecom’s Beijing R&D Center. Prior to that he was a System Design Engineer in Siemens China. Simon Sun graduated from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang Institute of Automation with a Master degree in Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence. He received a Bachelor degree from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Automatic Control. |
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Tom Talpey, Architect, Microsoft Corporation Tom Talpey is an Architect at Microsoft in the Windows File Server filesharing technologies area. He has extensive experience in networks, network filesystems including SMB and NFS, protocols and standards. Mr. Talpey serves as Project Coordinator of the Unix Extensions for SMB2 protocol initiative. |
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Pulkit Tanwar, Software Engineer, Wipro Technologies Pulkit Tanwar is a Software Engineer with Wipro Technologies with 1+ year of experience in system programming, embedded system and storage technologies. In his current role, he is working on Solaris device driver development for 10G Ethernet adapters. His interest includes device drivers, networking and storage virtualization |
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Robert Thibadeau, Senior Vice President and Chief Scientist, Wave Systems, Corp. Prior to joining Wave Systems, Robert Thibadeau was Chief Technologist at Seagate Technology and developed the drives now known as self-encrypting drives. He was also the Chair of the Storage Workgroup in the Trusted Computing Group. With Wave Systems he is working on enterprise management of laptops as well as other projects related to trusted computing in enterprise environments. |
Aditya Vasudevan, Technical Architect, Patni Americas Inc Aditya has several years of experience in technology and management roles. Currently, as a technical architect he specializes in virtualization and storage technologies. He works on developing virtualization technology for cloud adoption and designs solutions for customers to adopt virtualization and cloud computing. He has a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from Mumbai University. He is also interested in real time location technologies and has patent pending work in the area. He is a member of the DMTF group working on cloud standards and a speaker at VMworld 2009. |
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Kaushik Veeraraghavan, University of Michigan Kaushik Veeraraghavan, PhD Candidate, University of Michigan Kaushik Veeraraghavan is a final year PhD candidate at the University of Michigan working with Professor Jason Flinn. He is interested in Operating Systems, focusing on multiprocessor replay, distributed file systems and mobility. For details on past projects and publications, visit http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~kaushikv. |
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Senthilkumar Vijayakumar, TATA Consultancy Services Senthil has been with Tata Consultancy Services for 3+ years and in TCS he is working as a Technical Analyst with a Leading Storage Vendor on their NAS and SAN storage products. He has been associated with Stress and Platform Testing of NAS and SAN storage products. His interest includes Green IT in data centers, Computer Architecture, High Speed Networks and Storage Virtualization. He has published and presented his work at several conferences, including IEEE Computer Society and International Society for Research in Science and Technology ,USA. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and an Masters in Communication Systems from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India. |
Qiang Wang, Development Lead, Microsoft Corporation Qiang Wang is a development lead in the file server team at Microsoft. For the past 15 years, he has designed and implemented embedded systems, device drivers, network protocols and enterprise application servers shipped in various Microsoft products. Qiang currently leads a development team working on Microsoft iSCSI Software Target. |
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Brent Welch, Director Software Architecture, Panasas Brent Welch is Director of Software Architecture at Panasas. He is co-author of the initial IETF drafts that lead to the pNFS standard. He has a deep background on distributed file systems dating back to the 1980's and the Sprite system developed at UC Berkeley. |
SW Worth, Sr. Standards Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation SW Worth is a Senior Standards Program Manager at Microsoft, and an elected member of the SNIA Board of Directors. From 2002 through 2006 he was the worldwide lead for the SNIA Tutorials. Before joining Microsoft in late 2003, SW Worth was Technical Marketing Manager at Crossroads Systems. From 1991-1999 he was an internal IT consultant with a large integrated electric and gas utility in the northeastern United States. He has a background in environmental engineering, and worked in paper mills in several U.S. states and in France |