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2016 Storage Developer Conference Agenda
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Note: Speaker assignments and session times are subject to change.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday
Optional Pre-Conference Primer: Sunday, September 18, 2016 |
11:00 - 2:00 |
Registration Opens |
1:00- 5:00 |
Monday, September 19, 2016 |
7:30- 8:30 |
Registration Opens - Continental Breakfast and Networking |
Breakout Sessions |
(Stevens Creek) |
(Winchester) |
NVMe over Fabrics
(Cypress) |
Storage Management
(San Tomas/Lawrence) |
(Lafayette) |
8:30-9:20 |
Introduction to OpenStack Cinder
Sean McGinnis |
Design of a WORM Filesystem
Terry Stokes |
NVMe over Fabrics - High Performance Flash moves to Ethernet
Rob Davis Idan Burstein |
What Can One Billion Hours of Spinning Hard Drives Tell Us?
Gleb Budman |
The Curse of Areal Density
Ralph Weber |
9:30-10:20 |
Cloud Access Control Delegation
David Slik |
MarFS: Near-POSIX Access to Object-Storage
Jeff Inman Gary Grider |
NVMe Over Fabrics Support in Linux
Sagi Grimberg |
Managing Data by Objectives
Douglas Fallstrom |
Characterizing the Evolution of Disk Attributes via Absorbing Markov Chains
Rachel Traylor |
10:20-10:35 |
Break |
10:35- 11:25 |
USB Cloud Storage Gateway
David Disseldorp |
Data Integrity support for Silent Data Corruption in Gfarm File System
Osamu Tatebe |
Persistent Memory
(Cypress) |
The Data Feedback Loop: Using Big Data to Enhance Data Storage
Shannon Loomis |
Storage Networking
(Lafayette) |
In-memory Persistence: Opportunities and Challenges
Dhruva Chakrabarti |
Performance Implications Libiscsi RDMA Support
Roy Shterman Sagi Grimberg Shlomo Greenberg, PhD |
11:35- 12:25 |
Service Oriented Cloud Storage Performance Analysis
Da Qi Ren Dr. Masood Mortazavi |
Optimizing Every Operation in a Write-optimized File System
Rob Johnson |
Enabling Remote Access to Persistent Memory on an IO Subsystem Using NVM Express and RDMA
Stephen Bates |
Hyper-V Windows Server 2016 Storage QoS and Protocol Updates
Matt Kurjanowicz Adam Burch |
(Lafayette) |
Uncovering Distributed Storage System Bugs in Testing (not in Production!)
Shaz Qadeer Cheng Huang |
12:30- 1:30 |
Lunch and Networking |
(Stevens Creek) |
(Winchester) |
Persistent Memory
(Cypress) |
Storage Managementy
(San Tomas/Lawrence) |
Data Preservation
(Lafayette) |
1:30- 2:20 |
Deploying and Optimizing for Cloud Storage Systems using Swift Simulator
Gen Xu |
Hardware Based Compression in Ceph OSD with BTRFS
Weigang Li Tushar Gohad |
The SNIA NVM Programming Model
Doug Voigt |
Time to Say Good Bye to Storage Management with Unified Namespace, Write Once and Reuse Everywhere Paradigm
Anjaneya Chagam |
The Role of Active Archive in Long-Term Data Preservation
Mark Pastor |
2:30- 3:20 |
Hyper Converged Cache Storage Infrastructure For Cloud
Chendi Xue |
Efficient Data Tiering in GlusterFS
Rafi KC |
Challenges with Persistent Memory in Distributed Storage Systems
Dan Lambright |
(San Tomas/Lawrence) |
Cold Data Storage
(Lafayette) |
On-demand Authentication Infrastructure for Test and Development
Andrew Leonard |
Introducing the View of SNIA Japan Cold Storage Technical Working Group on "Cold Storage"
Kazuhiko Kawamura |
3:20- 3:35 |
Break |
3:35- 4:25 |
Object Storage
(Stevens Creek) |
Multi-Chance Scalable ARC (Adaptive Replacement Cache)
Shailendra Tripathi |
Building on The NVM Programming Model – A Windows Implementation
Paul Luse Chandra Kumar Konamki |
(San Tomas/Lawrence) |
Data Preservation
(Lafayette) |
Cutting the Cord: Why We Took the File System Out of Our Storage Nodes
Manish Motwani |
Assuring Quality When Objects and Files Converge
Julian Cachua Fruchier Ariday Balderas Alba |
Data Retention and Preservation: The IT Budget Killer is Tamed
Shawn Brume |
4:35- 5:25 |
New Fresh Open Source Object Storage
Jean-Francois Smigielski |
(Winchester) |
Breaking Barriers: Making Adoption of Persistent Memory Easier
Andy Rudoff |
(San Tomas/Lawrence) |
Capacity Optimization
(Lafayette) |
Optimizing Workload Performance in Virtualized Environment
Gaurav Gupta Anurag Mehrotra |
SMB3.1.1 and Beyond in the Linux Kernel: Providing Optimal File Access to Windows, Mac, Samba and Other File Servers
Steven French |
Smashing Bits: Comparing Data Compression Techniques in Storage
Juan Deaton |
5:30- 7:00 |
Plugfest Open House and Reception |
7:00-10:00 |
"Birds of a Feather" Sessions If you or your company are interested in hosting a BoF session, please complete the SDC 2016 BoF Request form |
7:00-8:00 |
BoF: Kinetic Drives and IP Drive Management (Cypress) |
BoF: The Future of Ethernet Connected Flash Systems (Winchester) |
BoF: Open Source Storage Networking (Stevens Creek) |
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 |
7:30- 8:45 |
Registration Opens - Continental Breakfast and Networking |
General Sessions (Santa Clara Ballroom) |
8:45-9:00 |
![]() Mark Carlson, SNIA Technical Council Chair |
9:00-9:45 |
![]() Gary Grider, HPC Div Director, LANL |
9:45-10:25 |
![]() Richelle Ahlvers, Principal Storage Management Architect, Broadcom |
10:25-10:40 |
Break |
10:40-11:20 |
![]() Stephen Bates, Sr. Technical Director, Microsemi |
11:20-12:00 |
![]() ![]() Carol Wilder, Strategic Planning / Memory & Storage Data Center Group, Intel Niels Reimers, Strategic Planning, Intel |
12:00-1:00 |
Lunch and Networking |
Breakout Sessions |
(San Tomas/Lawrence) |
(Winchester) |
Solid State Storage
(Cypress) |
(Stevens Creek) |
Storage Management
(Lafayette) |
1:00-1:50 |
IOPS: Changing Needs
Jim Handy Thomas Coughlin |
Storage Security Evolution and Advancements in NVMe Interactions
Dr. Jorge Campello Thomas Bowen |
The Coming of Ultra-low Latency SSDs
Tien Shiah |
SMB Server: Kernel versus User Space Learnings
Oleg Kravtsov |
Swordfish Deep-dive: Scalable Storage Management
Richelle Ahlvers |
2:00- 2:50 |
Bridging the Gap Between NVMe SSD Performance and Scale Out Software
Anjaneya Chagam Swaroop Dutta Murali Rajaopal |
When Will Self-Encrypting Drives Predominate?
Tom Coughlin Walt Hubis |
Accelerating OLTP performance with NVMe SSDs
Veronica Lagrange Changho Choi Vijay Balakrishnan |
Sailing in Uncharted Waters. A Story of Implementing Apple MacOS X Extensions for SMB2 in EMC Isilon OneFS Server
Sumaithri Mukkamalla |
Cold Storage
(Lafayette) |
Cold Storage: The Road to Enterprise
Ilya Kuznetsov |
2:50-3:05 |
Break |
3:05-3:55 |
Ceph Performance Benchmarking with CBT
Logan Blyth |
Active Directory Client Scaling Challenges
Marc VanHeyningen |
An Examination of Storage Workloads
Eden Kim |
Building a Highly Scalable and Performant SMB Protocol Server
Sunu Engineer |
(Lafayette) |
Standards for Improving SSD Performance and Endurance
Bill Martin |
4:05- 4:55 |
SPDK - Building Blocks for Scalable, High Performance Storage Applications
Benjamin Walker |
Multi-vendor Key Management – Does It Actually Work?
Tim Hudson |
Analysis of SSD health and Prediction of SSD life
Dr. M. K. Jibbe Bernard Chan |
Samba and NFS Integration
Steven French |
Open Storage Platform Delivers Hyper-scale Benefits for the Enterprise
Eric Slack |
5:05-5:55 |
Introducing the EDA Workload for the SPEC SFS® Benchmark
Nick Principe Jignesh Bhadaliya |
Storage Architecture
(Winchester) |
Breaking Through Performance and Scale Out Barriers - A Storage Solution for Today's Hot Scale Out Applications
Bob Hansen |
Panel Discussion of SMB3 POSIX Protocol Extensions
Steven French Jeremy Allison |
Software-Defined Flash: Tradeoffs of FTL, Open-Channel, and Cooperative Flash Management
Craig Robertson |
An Enhanced I/O Model for Modern Storage Devices
Martin Petersen |
6:00-10:00 |
"Birds of a Feather" Sessions If you or your company are interested in hosting a BoF session, please complete the SDC 2016 BoF Request form. |
6:00-7:00 |
BoF: Using Interoperable Cloud Encryption to Secure Healthcare Records (Cypress) |
BoF: Improving the Interoperability and Resiliency of Data Replication (Winchester) |
BoF: What Are Real World Storage Workloads and Why Do I Care? (Stevens Creek) |
7:00-8:00 |
BoF: NFS/RDMA (Cypress) |
Birds of a Feather Sessions
If you or your company are interested in hosting a BoF session, please complete the SDC 2016 BoF Request form.